I have a contract discount with FedEx. To estimate your shipping cost, use the FedEx online Calculator. Use 49456 as the “From” ZIP code, and your ZIP code as the “To”. Use the weight from the pricing table and select “Dropoff”.
Send an email to jcarlson (at) carlsoncommunications.com to confirm current lead time and to request a quote.
We can ship either UPS or FedEx, however, we have a contract discount with FedEx and it is quite a bit cheaper. You can also arrange to pick up the tower here in Cedar Springs, MI. Please call or email before arriving. To estimate 49319 as the “From” ZIP code, and your ZIP code as the “To”. Use the weight from the pricing table. Select – “Use own packaging”. Package size is 96″ x 6″ x 6″ for 8 foot towers, 74″ x 6″ x 6″ for 6 foot towers and 52″ x 6″ x 6″ for 4.2 foot towers. Thrust bearings are is shipped in a separate 7″ x 7″ x 7″ 6 lb.package.
Send an email to Sales@CarlsonCommunications.com to confirm current lead time and to check stock. Please include all part numbers with quantities. We are building everything with the Yaesu 065 model thrust bearing mounting hole pattern. Include the ship-to address with zip code and your phone number. Please let me know if you wish to sign for delivery.
We will send you the lead time estimate along with the total price, including shipping and Michigan tax (if applicable). After receipt of payment, We will begin construction, or if parts are in stock, we will ship. we will confirm the shipping details again about 2 days before shipping. We accept either PayPal (Jcarlson@CarlsonCommunications.com) or Master Card / Visa at this time.